Jack P. Oakley Portfolio Game Programmer/Designer

Sieve Of Eratosthenes

This program uses pointer manipulations and iterative looping to find all of the
prime numbers within a specified range by following the Sieve of Eratosthenes.

//Sieve of Eratosthenes by Jack P. Oakley
//This program finds all of the prime numbers between two specified numbers as
//referenced from https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Sieve_of_Eratosthenes

#include <iostream>
using namespace std;
#include <math.h>

int getUpBound(void);
int getLowBound(int upBound);
char askRepeat(void);
int *createArray(int size);
int searchArray(int *numList, int size);
void remFactors(int *numList, int size, int factor);
void zeroToOne(int *numList, int size);
int *getCircled(int *numList, int size, int &newSize);
void displayPrimes(int *primeList, int primeSize, int lowerBound);
void holdScreen(void);

* main function:                                                               *
* PURPOSE: Drives the program                                                  *
* IN: none                                                                     *
* OUT: none                                                                    *
void main(void)
	int upperBound, lowerBound, currIndex, primeSize;
	int *arrayBegin, *primeNums;
	char repeat;

	cout << "Sieve of Eratosthenes" << endl << endl;

			upperBound = getUpBound();
			lowerBound = getLowBound(upperBound);
			if (lowerBound >= upperBound)
				cout << "The lower boundary is greater than your high boundary, "
					<< "please enter a number " << endl << "lower than or equal to "
					<< upperBound << "." << endl << endl;
		} while (lowerBound >= upperBound);
		arrayBegin = createArray(upperBound);
			currIndex = searchArray(arrayBegin, upperBound);
			if (currIndex != -1)
				remFactors(arrayBegin, upperBound, currIndex);
		} while (currIndex <= sqrt(upperBound));
		zeroToOne(arrayBegin, upperBound);
		primeNums = getCircled(arrayBegin, upperBound, primeSize);
		displayPrimes(primeNums, primeSize, lowerBound);

		repeat = askRepeat();
	} while (repeat == 'Y' || repeat == 'y');
} //End main()

* getUpBound function:                                                         *
* PURPOSE: Obtain upper boundary from user                                     *
* IN: none                                                                     *
* OUT: int representing upper boundary                                         *
int getUpBound(void)
	int boundary;

		cout << "Please enter the high boundary of the prime numbers you want: ";
		cin >> boundary;
		if (boundary <= 0)
			cout << "That was not positive, please enter a positive number." <<
				endl << endl;
	} while (boundary <= 0);

	return boundary;
} //End getUpBound()

* getLowBound function:                                                        *
* PURPOSE: Obtain lower boundary from user                                     *
* IN: int for upper boundary                                                   *
* OUT: int representing lower boundary                                         *
int getLowBound(int upBound)
	int boundary;

		cout << "Please enter the low boundary of the prime numbers you want: ";
		cin >> boundary;
		if (boundary <= 0)
			cout << "That was not positive, please enter a positive number." <<
				endl << endl;
	} while (boundary <= 0);

	return boundary;
} //End getLowBound()

* askRepeat function:                                                          *
* PURPOSE: Ask user if they want to repeat the program                         *
* IN: none                                                                     *
* OUT: char with user's choice (y/n)                                           *
char askRepeat(void)
	char repeat;
		cout << endl << "Do you want to do it again? (y/n) ";
		cin >> repeat;
		if (repeat != 'Y' && repeat != 'y' && repeat != 'n' && repeat != 'N')
			cout << "Please enter an 'n' or a 'y'." << endl << endl;
	} while (repeat != 'Y' && repeat != 'y' && repeat != 'n' && repeat != 'N');
	return repeat;
} //End askRepeat()

* createArray function:                                                        *
* PURPOSE: Create an array of given size                                       *
* IN: int for array size                                                       *
* OUT: int array of specified size, filled with 0s                             *
int *createArray(int size)
	int *numbers = new int[size*2];
	int *begin = numbers;
	int *end = begin + size;

	*(numbers + 1) = *numbers = -1;
	numbers += 2;

	while (numbers < end)
		*numbers = 0;

	return begin;
} //End createArray()

* searchArray function:                                                        *
* PURPOSE: Finds and returns the first index containing a 0                    *
* IN: int array, int array size                                                *
* OUT: int representing first index containing a 0                             *
int searchArray(int *numList, int size)
	int *begin = numList;
	int *end = begin + size;
	int toReturn = -1;

	while (numList < end)
		if (*numList == 0)
			toReturn = (numList - begin);
			numList = begin;
			return toReturn;
	numList = begin;
	return toReturn;
} //End searchArray()

* remFactors function:                                                         *
* PURPOSE: Fills in remaining factors with -1 (crosses them out as non-primes) *
* IN: int array, int array size, int current factor                            *
* OUT: none                                                                    *
void remFactors(int *numList, int size, int factor)
	int *end = numList + size;
	int *begin = numList;

	numList = numList + factor;
	*numList = 1;
	while (numList < end)
		numList = numList + factor;
		*numList = -1;
	numList = begin;
} //End remFactors()

* zeroToOne function:                                                          *
* PURPOSE: Fill remaining empty cells with 1s as primes                        *
* IN: int array, int array size                                                *
* OUT: none                                                                    *
void zeroToOne(int *numList, int size)
	int *end = numList + size;
	int *begin = numList;

	while (numList < end)
		if (*numList == 0)
			*numList = 1;
	numList = begin;
} //End zeroToOne()

* getCircled function:                                                         *
* PURPOSE: Obtain new array containing the values from indices circled (1s)    *
* IN: int array with circled indices, int array size, int reference param to   *
*		hold new array size                                                    *
* OUT: int array of only prime numbers                                         *
int *getCircled(int *numList, int size, int &newSize)
	int *begin = numList;
	int *end = begin + size;
	int *circledList;
	int *circledBegin;
	newSize = 0;

	while (numList < end)
		if (*numList == 1)
	numList = begin;

	circledList = createArray(newSize);
	circledBegin = circledList;
	while (numList < end)
		if (*numList == 1)
			*circledList = (numList - begin);
	numList = begin;
	return circledBegin;
} //End getCircled()

* displayPrimes function:                                                      *
* PURPOSE: Print resulting primes to console                                   *
* IN: int array of all primes, int array size, int lowerbound of what is to be *
*		displayed                                                              *
* OUT: none                                                                    *
void displayPrimes(int *primeList, int primeSize, int lowerBound)
	int *end = primeList + primeSize;
	int *begin = primeList;
	int count = 1;

	cout << endl;
	while (primeList < end)
		if (*primeList >= lowerBound)
			cout << *primeList << "\t";
			if (count % 10 == 0)
				cout << endl;
			if (count % 100 == 0)
	cout << endl;

	primeList = begin;
} //End displayPrimes

* holdScreen function:                                                         *
* PURPOSE: hold screen for user if range is too large to fit in one console    *
* IN: none                                                                     *
* OUT: none                                                                    *
void holdScreen(void)
	char entry;
	cout << "Enter any letter and press enter to continue: ";
	cin >> entry;
	cout << endl;
} //End holdScreen()