Jack P. Oakley Portfolio Game Programmer/Designer

Trajectory Games

This program does physics calculations within methods for a series of trajectory based games.

/*Spaced Invaders, Monster Hunter, & Trajectory Calculations by Jack P. Oakley
This program uses subprograms with different parameter passing techniques*/

#include <iostream>
using namespace std;
#include <math.h> 
#include <stdio.h>
#include <stdlib.h>
#include <time.h>

void dist2Points(void);
void horizAngle(void);
void distTravel(void);
void destination(void);
void basicCalcs(void);
void displayTitle(void);
void funcDecider(int choice);
void firstPtText(void);
void secondPtText(void);
void mainMenu(void);
void gameDecider(int choice);
void artilleryTable(void);
void targetPractice(void);
void spacedInvaders(void);
void monsterHunter(void);
double obtainCoord(void);
double obtainHAngle(void);
double obtainVAngle(void);
double obtainVelocity(void);
double obtainDistance(void);
double dist2PointCalc(double x1, double y1, double x2, double y2);
double horizAngleCalc(double x1, double y1, double x2, double y2);
double distTravelCalc(double elevAngleD, double velocMPH);
void destinationCalc(double xStart, double yStart, double distance,
	double angleDeg, double &xEnd, double &yEnd);
void getXY(double &xCoord, double &yCoord);
int obtainPosInt(void);
double obtainPosDouble(void);
void targetPractCalc(int targetRadius, int &hitCount, int &missCount);
void randomXY(int minX, int maxX, int minY, int maxY, int &xCoord, 
	int &yCoord);
int randomNum(int minNum, int maxNum);
void spacedInvCalc(int targetRadius, int radarUses);
int shotMenu(void);
int velocPercent(void);
void hAngleShift(double &degrees, int &direction);
double vAngleShift(void);
void monsterHuntTitle(void);
int werewolf(int &numStakes, int &numBullets, int &killCount, 
	double playerHeight);
int ghost(int &numStakes, int &numBullets, int &killCount,
	double playerHeight);
int vampire(int &numStakes, int &numBullets, int &killCount,
	double playerHeight);
void log(int &stakes);
int zombie(int &numStakes, int &numBullets, int &killCount,
	double playerHeight);
void monsterHuntStory(void);
int randomMonster(int &killCount, int &numStakes, int &numBullets,
	double playerHeight);
int weapons(int &numStakes, int &numBullets);
double thrownVelocity(void);
int difficultyMenu(void);
void gameOver(void);

const double pi = 3.14159;

* main function:                                                               *
* PURPOSE: Drives the program                                                  *
* IN: none                                                                     *
* OUT: none                                                                    *
void main(void)
} //End main()

* displayTitle function:                                                       *
* PURPOSE: Display title & description by keeping main() a little cleaner      *
* IN: none                                                                     *
* OUT: none                                                                    *
void displayTitle(void)  //CS Rep
	cout << "Spaced Invaders, Monster Hunter, and Calculations" << endl << endl;
	cout << "This program provides a list of games that can be played." << endl
		<< endl;
} //End displayTitle()

* basicCalcs function:                                                         *
* PURPOSE: Displays basic calcs menu, obtains user's choice, & directs to chce *
* IN: none                                                                     *
* OUT: none                                                                    *
void basicCalcs(void)  //CS Rep
	int userChoice;

		cout << endl << "Basic Calculations" << endl << endl;

		cout << "Please choose one of the following options: " << endl;
		cout << "(1) Compute distance between 2 points" << endl;
		cout << "(2) Compute horizontal angle between 2 points" << endl;
		cout << "(3) Compute horizontal distance an object travels" << endl;
		cout << "(4) Compute a destination point" << endl;
		cout << "(5) Exit Menu" << endl;
		cin >> userChoice;


	} while (userChoice != 5);

	cout << endl << "You have chosen to exit to the main menu." << endl 
		<< endl;
} //End basicCalcs()

* funcDecider function:                                                        *
* PURPOSE: Decides which function to call based off given input                *
* IN: int of user's chosen option                                              *
* OUT: none                                                                    *
void funcDecider(int choice)
	if (choice == 1)
	else if (choice == 2)
	else if (choice == 3)
	else if (choice == 4)
	else if (choice != 5)
		cout << endl << "That value was not from 1 to 5, please enter a value "
			<< "that is from 1 to 5. " << endl << endl;
} //End funcDecider()

* dist2Points function:                                                        *
* PURPOSE: Handles all input/output for dist2PointCalc()                       *
* IN: none                                                                     *
* OUT: none                                                                    *
void dist2Points(void)  //CS Rep
	double distance, xEnd, xStart, yEnd, yStart;

	cout << endl << "Distance between two points: " << endl << endl;

	getXY(xStart, yStart);
	getXY(xEnd, yEnd);

	distance = dist2PointCalc(xStart, yStart, xEnd, yEnd);
	cout << "The distance between the two points is " << distance << 
		" feet." << endl << endl;
} //End dist2Points()

* dist2PointCalc function:                                                     *
* PURPOSE: Calculates distance between 2 points                                *
* IN: 4 doubles: (x,y) coords of 2 points                                      *
* OUT: Returns: double of calculated distance                                  *
double dist2PointCalc(double x1, double y1, double x2, double y2)  //Engineer
	double distance;
	distance = sqrt(pow(x2 - x1, 2) + pow(y2 - y1, 2));
	return distance;
} //End dist2PointCalc()

* horizAngle function:                                                         *
* PURPOSE: Handles all input/output for horizAngleCalc()                       *
* IN: none                                                                     *
* OUT: none                                                                    *
void horizAngle(void)  //CS Rep
	double xStart, yStart, xEnd, yEnd, angle;

	cout << endl << "Horizontal angle between two points: " << endl << endl;

	getXY(xStart, yStart);
	getXY(xEnd, yEnd);

	angle = horizAngleCalc(xStart, yStart, xEnd, yEnd);
	cout << "The horizontal angle from the first point to the second point is "
		<< angle << " degrees." << endl << endl;
} //End horizAngle()

* horizAngleCalc function:                                                     *
* PURPOSE: Calculates horizonatal angle between 2 points                       *
* IN: 4 doubles: (x,y) coords of 2 points                                      *
* OUT: Returns: double of calculated angle                                     *
double horizAngleCalc(double x1, double y1, double x2, double y2)  //Engineer
	double diffx, diffy, radianAngle, degreeAngle;

	diffx = x2 - x1;
	diffy = y2 - y1;

	if (diffx > 0)
		radianAngle = atan(diffy / diffx);
	else if (diffx < 0)
		radianAngle = atan(diffy / diffx) + pi;
	else if (diffx == 0 && diffy >= 0)
		radianAngle = pi / 2.0;
		radianAngle = -pi / 2.0;

	degreeAngle = radianAngle * 180.0 / pi;
	return degreeAngle;
} //End horizAngleCalc()

* distTravel function:                                                         *
* PURPOSE: Handles all input/output for distTravelCalc()                       *
* IN: none                                                                     *
* OUT: none                                                                    *
void distTravel(void)  //CS Rep
	double angle, velocity, distance;

	cout << endl << "Distance travelled: " << endl << endl;

	cout << "What is the angle of elevation? (degrees) ";
	angle = obtainVAngle();
	cout << "What is the initial velocity? (mph) ";
	velocity = obtainVelocity();

	distance = distTravelCalc(angle, velocity);
	cout << "The distance travelled horizontally is " << distance <<
		" feet." << endl << endl;
} //End distTravel()

* distTravelCalc function:                                                     *
* PURPOSE: Calculates distance using an elevation angle and velocity           *
* IN: 2 doubles: elevationAngle in degrees & velocity in MPH                   *
* OUT: Returns: double of calculated distance in feet                          *
double distTravelCalc(double elevAngleD, double velocMPH)  //Engineer
	double elevAngleR, velocFPS, horizDistance;
	const int ftmi = 5280;
	const int secHour = 3600;
	const double gravity = 32.172;

	elevAngleR = elevAngleD * pi / 180.0;
	velocFPS = velocMPH * ftmi / secHour;
	horizDistance = pow(velocFPS, 2) * sin(2 * elevAngleR) / gravity;

	return horizDistance;
} //End distTravelCalc()

* destination function:                                                        *
* PURPOSE: Handles all input/output for destinationCalc()                      *
* IN: none                                                                     *
* OUT: none                                                                    *
void destination(void)  //CS Rep
	double horizAngleD, pointDistance, x1, y1, x2, y2;

	cout << endl << "Destination Point: " << endl << endl;

	cout << "What is the horizontal angle? (degrees) ";
	horizAngleD = obtainHAngle();
	cout << "What is the distance between the two points? (feet) ";
	pointDistance = obtainDistance();
	getXY(x1, y1);

	destinationCalc(x1, y1, pointDistance, horizAngleD, x2, y2);
	cout << "The endpoint is (" << x2 << "," << y2 << ")." << endl << endl;
} //End destination()

* destinationCalc function:                                                    *
* PURPOSE: Calculates destination point given a distance, angle, & starting pt *
* IN: 6 doubles: (x,y) coords start point, distance, angle in degrees, &       *
*		container for (x,y) coords of destination                              *
* OUT: Reference params: (x,y) coords of calculated destination point          *
void destinationCalc(double xStart, double yStart, double distance,
	double angleDeg, double &xEnd, double &yEnd)  //Engineer
	double angleRad, diffx, diffy;

	angleRad = angleDeg * pi / 180.0;
	diffx = distance * cos(angleRad);
	diffy = distance * sin(angleRad);
	xEnd = xStart + diffx;
	yEnd = yStart + diffy;
} //End destinationCalc()

* obtainCoord function:                                                        *
* PURPOSE: This is used to input any coordinate, x or y by reducing redundancy *
* IN: none                                                                     *
* OUT: Returns: double of input coordinate                                     *
double obtainCoord(void)
	double coordinate;
	cin >> coordinate;
	return coordinate;
} //End obtainCoord()

* obtainHAngle function:                                                       *
* PURPOSE: Obtain a horizontal angle from user and restrict to correct values  *
* IN: none                                                                     *
* OUT: Returns: double of input angle                                          *
double obtainHAngle(void)
	double angle;

		cin >> angle;
		if (angle < 0 || angle > 360)
			cout << "The angle must be from 0 to 360 degrees." << endl;
			cout << "Please enter an angle from 0 to 360 degrees. ";
	} while (angle < 0 || angle > 360);

	return angle;
} //End obtainHAngle()

* obtainVAngle function:                                                       *
* PURPOSE: Obtain a vertical angle from user and restrict to appropriate values*
* IN: none                                                                     *
* OUT: Returns: double of input angle                                          *
double obtainVAngle(void)
	double angle;

		cin >> angle;
		if (angle <= 0 || angle >= 90)
			cout << "The angle must be between 0 and 90 degrees." << endl;
			cout << "Please enter an angle between 0 and 90 degrees. ";
	} while (angle <= 0 || angle >= 90);

	return angle;
} //End obtainVAngle()

* obtainVelocity function:                                                     *
* PURPOSE: Obtain a velocity from user and restrict to correct values          *
* IN: none                                                                     *
* OUT: Returns: double of input velocity                                       *
double obtainVelocity(void)
	double velocity;

		cin >> velocity;
		if (velocity <= 0)
			cout << "Velocity must be a positive number, please enter a "
				<< "positive number. ";
	} while (velocity <= 0);

	return velocity;
} //End obtainVelocity()

* obtainDistance function:                                                     *
* PURPOSE: Obtain a distance from user and restrict to correct values          *
* IN: none                                                                     *
* OUT: Returns: double of input distance                                       *
double obtainDistance(void)
	double distance;

		cin >> distance;
		if (distance <= 0)
			cout << "Distance must be a positive number, please enter a "
				<< "positive number. ";
	} while (distance <= 0);

	return distance;
} //End obtainDistance()

* getXY function:                                                              *
* PURPOSE: Obtain an (x,y) coord pair from user                                *
* IN: 2 double containers for x & y coords                                     *
* OUT: Reference params: x & y coords                                          *
void getXY(double &xCoord, double &yCoord)
	cout << "What is the x coordinate of the point? (ft) ";
	xCoord = obtainCoord();
	cout << "What is the y coordinate of the point? (ft) ";
	yCoord = obtainCoord();
} //End getXY()

* firstPtText function:                                                        *
* PURPOSE: Display text to obtain first pt by reducing redundancy              *
* IN: none                                                                     *
* OUT: none                                                                    *
void firstPtText(void)
	cout << "Please enter the following for the first point: " << endl;
} //End firstPtText()

* secondPtText function:                                                       *
* PURPOSE: Display text to obtain second pt by reducing redundancy             *
* IN: none                                                                     *
* OUT: none                                                                    *
void secondPtText(void)
	cout << "Please enter the following for the second point: " << endl;
} //End secondPtText()

* mainMenu function:                                                           *
* PURPOSE: Displays main menu, obtains user's choice, & directs to chce        *
* IN: none                                                                     *
* OUT: none                                                                    *
void mainMenu(void)  //CS Rep
	int userChoice;

		cout << "Please choose one of the following options: " << endl;
		cout << "(1) Basic Calculations" << endl;
		cout << "(2) Artillery Table" << endl;
		cout << "(3) TargetPractice" << endl;
		cout << "(4) Spaced Invaders" << endl;
		cout << "(5) Monster Hunter" << endl;
		cout << "(6) Quit the program" << endl;
		cin >> userChoice;


	} while (userChoice != 6);

	cout << endl << "You have chosen to quit.  Goodbye" << endl << endl;
} //End mainMenu()

* gameDecider function:                                                        *
* PURPOSE: Decides which game function to call based off given input           *
* IN: int of user's chosen option                                              *
* OUT: none                                                                    *
void gameDecider(int choice)
	if (choice == 1)
	else if (choice == 2)
	else if (choice == 3)
	else if (choice == 4)
	else if (choice == 5)
	else if (choice != 6)
		cout << endl << "That value was not from 1 to 6, please enter a value "
			<< "that is from 1 to 6. " << endl << endl;
} //End gameDecider()

* artilleryTable function:                                                     *
* PURPOSE: Displays table of varying distances calculated from a vertical angle*
*		& velocity                                                             *
* IN: none                                                                     *
* OUT: none                                                                    *
* ADTNL NOTE: User can choose to vary table by velocity or angle               *
void artilleryTable(void)
	double velocity, angle, increaseAmt, distance;
	int numRows, option, i;

	cout << endl << "Artillery Table" << endl << endl;

	cout << "What is the initial angle in degrees? ";
	angle = obtainVAngle();
	cout << "What is the initial velocity in mph? ";
	velocity = obtainVelocity();
	cout << "How many rows do you want displayed in the table? ";
	numRows = obtainPosInt();

		cout << "Which do you want to vary? Enter:" << endl;
		cout << "(1) Angle" << endl;
		cout << "(2) Velocity" << endl;
		cin >> option;

		if (option != 1 && option != 2)
			cout << "You must enter 1 or 2. ";
	} while (option != 1 && option != 2);

	cout << "By how much would you like each row of the table to increase? ";
	increaseAmt = obtainPosDouble();

	cout << endl << endl;

	if (option == 1)
		cout << "   Angle         Distance" << endl;
		cout << " (Degrees)        (Feet)" << endl;
		cout << "=========================" << endl;

		for (i = 0; i < numRows; ++i)
			distance = distTravelCalc(angle, velocity);
			printf("%7.3f        %10.3f\n", angle, distance);
			angle = angle + increaseAmt;

	else if (option == 2)
		cout << " Velocity        Distance" << endl;
		cout << "  (MPH)           (Feet)" << endl;
		cout << "=========================" << endl;

		for (i = 0; i < numRows; ++i)
			distance = distTravelCalc(angle, velocity);
			printf("%7.3f        %10.3f\n", velocity, distance);
			velocity = velocity + increaseAmt;
	cout << endl << endl;
} //End artilleryTable()

* targetPractice function:                                                     *
* PURPOSE: Simulate firing at a stationary target with 3 choices of difficulty *
* IN: none                                                                     *
* OUT: none                                                                    *
* ADTNL NOTE: Target coords are chosen at random and changed upon being hit    *
void targetPractice(void)
	int playerChoice, targetRadius, hitCount = 0, missCount = 0;
	const int easyRadius = 100, medRadius = 25, hardRadius = 5;

	cout << endl << "Target Practice" << endl << endl;

		playerChoice = difficultyMenu();

		if (playerChoice == 1)
			targetRadius = easyRadius;
			targetPractCalc(targetRadius, hitCount, missCount);
		else if (playerChoice == 2)
			targetRadius = medRadius;
			targetPractCalc(targetRadius, hitCount, missCount);
		else if (playerChoice == 3)
			targetRadius = hardRadius;
			targetPractCalc(targetRadius, hitCount, missCount);

	} while (playerChoice != 4);

	cout << "You have chosen to exit to the main menu." << endl << endl;
	cout << "You hit the target " << hitCount << " times." << endl;
	cout << "You missed the target " << missCount << " times." << endl << endl;
} //End targetPractice()

* spacedInvaders function:                                                     *
* PURPOSE: Game of hitting moving stealth targets with 3 choices of difficulty *
* IN: none                                                                     *
* OUT: none                                                                    *
void spacedInvaders(void)
	int playerChoice, targetRadius, radarUses;
	const int easyRadius = 100, medRadius = 25, hardRadius = 5;
	const int easyRadar = 20, medRadar = 6, hardRadar = 2;

	cout << endl << "Spaced Invaders" << endl << endl;

		playerChoice = difficultyMenu();

		if (playerChoice == 1)
			targetRadius = easyRadius;
			radarUses = easyRadar;
			spacedInvCalc(targetRadius, radarUses);
		else if (playerChoice == 2)
			targetRadius = medRadius;
			radarUses = medRadar;
			spacedInvCalc(targetRadius, radarUses);
		else if (playerChoice == 3)
			targetRadius = hardRadius;
			radarUses = hardRadar;
			spacedInvCalc(targetRadius, radarUses);

	} while (playerChoice != 4);
} //End spacedInvaders()

* monsterHunter function:                                                      *
* PURPOSE: DisplaysTitle and calls main story of game                          *
* IN: none                                                                     *
* OUT: none                                                                    *
void monsterHunter(void)
} //End monsterHunter()

* obtainPosInt function:                                                       *
* PURPOSE: Otain an int from user and restrict it to being positive            *
* IN: none                                                                     *
* OUT: int of positive value                                                   *
int obtainPosInt(void)
	int posInteger;

		cin >> posInteger;
		if (posInteger <= 0)
			cout << "The entry must be a positive number, please enter a "
				<< "positive number. ";
	} while (posInteger <= 0);

	return posInteger;
} //End obtainPosInt()

* obtainPosDouble function:                                                    *
* PURPOSE: Otain an double from user and restrict it to being positive         *
* IN: none                                                                     *
* OUT: double of positive value                                                *
double obtainPosDouble(void)
	double posDouble;

		cin >> posDouble;
		if (posDouble <= 0)
			cout << "The entry must be a positive number, please enter a "
				<< "positive number. ";
	} while (posDouble <= 0);

	return posDouble;
} //End obtainPosDouble()

* targetPractCalc function:                                                    *
* PURPOSE: Prompt user for values & calculate attempts to hit a single target  *
*		in targetPractice game                                                 *
* IN: int for target radius, 2 int containers: hit count & miss count          *
* OUT: Reference params: hitCount & missCount                                  *
void targetPractCalc( int targetRadius, int &hitCount, int &missCount)
	int mortarX = 2500, mortarY = 0, targetX, targetY;
	double horizAngle, vertAngle, velocity, shellDist, shellHitX, shellHitY;
	double proximity;
	char repeat;
	const int minXY = 0;
	const int maxXY = 5001;

	randomXY(minXY, maxXY, minXY, maxXY, targetX, targetY);

		cout << "The target is located at (" << targetX << ", "
			<< targetY << ")." << endl;

		cout << "Please enter the direction to face the barrel "
			<< "(horizontal angle in degrees): ";
		horizAngle = obtainHAngle();

		cout << "Please enter the elevation of the barrel in "
			<< "degrees: ";
		vertAngle = obtainVAngle();

		cout << "Please enter the velocity of the projectile in MPH: ";
		velocity = obtainVelocity();

		shellDist = distTravelCalc(vertAngle, velocity);
		destinationCalc(mortarX, mortarY, shellDist, horizAngle,
			shellHitX, shellHitY);
		proximity = dist2PointCalc(shellHitX, shellHitY, targetX,

		if (proximity <= targetRadius)
			cout << "You have hit the target. You can now choose a "
				<< "new target." << endl << endl;
			repeat = 'n';
			cout << "Sorry, you missed the target by a distance of "
				<< proximity << " feet." << endl << "Would you like to "
				<< "take another shot? (y/n) ";
			cin >> repeat;
			cout << endl;

	} while (repeat != 'n' && repeat != 'N');
} //End targetPractCalc

* randomXY function:                                                           *
* PURPOSE: Generate random (x,y) coord pair within given ranges                *
* IN: 4 ints: min and max x and y values, 2 int containers for generated (x,y) *
* OUT: Ref. params: randomly generated (x,y)                                   *
void randomXY(int minX, int maxX, int minY, int maxY, int &xCoord, int &yCoord)
	xCoord = randomNum(minX, maxX);
	yCoord = randomNum(minY, maxY);
} //End randomXY()

* randomNum function:                                                          *
* PURPOSE: Generate random num within given range                              *
* IN: 2 ints: min and max values to be generated                               *
* OUT: Returns: int of randomly generated num                                  *
int randomNum(int minNum, int maxNum)
	int number, numRange;

	numRange = maxNum - minNum;
	number = rand() % numRange + minNum;
	return number;
} //End randomNum()

* spacedInvCalc function:                                                      *
* PURPOSE: Main Spaced Invaders game, runs the game                            *
* IN: 2 ints: target radius & number of radar uses available                   *
* OUT: none                                                                    *
void spacedInvCalc(int targetRadius, int radarUses)
	int mortarX = 2500, mortarY = 0, targetX, targetY, menuChoice;
	int shotType, directionChoice, numShots = 0, numHits = 0, numETs = 0;
	double horizAngle = 90, vertAngle = 45, velocity, shellDist;
	double shellHitX, shellHitY, proximity, ETAngle, hDegreeShift;
	double vDegreeShift;
	int newET;
	const int minX = 0;
	const int maxX = 5001;
	int ETVelocity = 300; //ft per minute
	const int flashRadius = 500;
	const int tripwire1 = 5000;
	const int tripwire2 = 2000;

		newET = 0;
		targetY = tripwire1;
		targetX = randomNum(minX, maxX);

		cout << "The alien is located at (" << targetX << ", "
			<< targetY << ")." << endl;

				cout << "Choose an option for this turn:" << endl;
				cout << "(1) Fire the Cannon" << endl;
				cout << "(2) Consult the Radar" << endl;
				cout << "(3) Adjust the Cannon's Horizontal Angle" << endl;
				cout << "(4) Adjust the Cannon's Elevation Angle" << endl;
				cout << "(5) Let this ET Go" << endl;
				cout << "(6) Quit the Game" << endl;
				cin >> menuChoice;

				if (menuChoice <= 0 || menuChoice > 6)
					cout << "That entry was not from 1 to 6. Please enter a "
						<< "choice from 1 to 6." << endl << endl;
			} while (menuChoice <= 0 || menuChoice > 6);

			if (menuChoice == 1)
				shotType = shotMenu();
				velocity = velocPercent();

				shellDist = distTravelCalc(vertAngle, velocity);
				destinationCalc(mortarX, mortarY, shellDist, horizAngle,
					shellHitX, shellHitY);
				proximity = dist2PointCalc(shellHitX, shellHitY, targetX,

				if (shotType == 1 && proximity <= flashRadius)
					cout << "The target has been sighted at (" << targetX 
						<< ", "	<< targetY << ")." << endl;
				else if (shotType == 1)
					cout << "Nothing is revealed in the flash." << endl;
				else if (shotType == 2 && proximity <= targetRadius)
					cout << "The alien gobbles up the marshmallow and leaves "
						<< "the planet." << endl;
					ETVelocity = ETVelocity + randomNum(0, 501);
					cout << "You missed the alien and it still approaches."
						<< endl;
			else if (menuChoice == 2)
				if (radarUses > 0)
					ETAngle = horizAngleCalc(mortarX, mortarY, targetX, 
					radarUses = radarUses - 1;
					cout << "The alien is at " << ETAngle << "degrees." 
						<< endl;
					cout << "The radar malfunctioned." << endl;
			else if (menuChoice == 3)
				hAngleShift(hDegreeShift, directionChoice);

				if (directionChoice == 1)
					horizAngle = horizAngle - hDegreeShift;
					horizAngle = horizAngle + hDegreeShift;
			else if (menuChoice == 4)
				vDegreeShift = vAngleShift();
				vertAngle = vertAngle + vDegreeShift;
				if (vertAngle <= 10)
					vertAngle = 10;
				else if (vertAngle >= 80)
					vertAngle = 80;
			else if (menuChoice == 5)

			if (targetY > tripwire2 && (targetY - ETVelocity) < tripwire2)
				targetY = targetY - ETVelocity;
				cout << "The alien is located at (" << targetX << ", "
					<< targetY << ")." << endl;
				targetY = targetY - ETVelocity;

			if (targetY <= 0)
				cout << "The alien got past you." << endl << endl;
				ETVelocity = ETVelocity + randomNum(0, 501);

			if (ETVelocity > 3000)
				ETVelocity = 500;

		} while (newET == 0 && menuChoice != 6);

		if (numETs >= 10)
			cout << "You lost the game." << endl << endl;
			cout << "You successfully fed " << numHits << " aliens and sent "
				<< "them home." << endl;
			cout << numETs << " got across the border and infected the world."
				<< endl;
			cout << "You shot " << numShots << " marshmallows at the aliens."
				<< endl << endl;

			menuChoice = 6;
		else if (menuChoice != 6)
			cout << "The tripwire has been activated again!" << endl << endl;

	}while (menuChoice != 6);

} //End spacedInvCalc()

* shotMenu function:                                                           *
* PURPOSE: Prompt user for type of shot they want to take in Spaced Invaders   *
* IN: none                                                                     *
* OUT: Returns: int of user's menu selection                                   *
int shotMenu(void)
	int type;

		cout << "Which do you want to fire?" << endl;
		cout << "(1) Flash Grenade" << endl;
		cout << "(2) Marshmallow" << endl;
		cin >> type;

		if (type != 1 && type != 2)
			cout << "Please enter either 1 or 2." << endl;

	} while (type != 1 && type != 2);

	return type;
} //End shotMenu()

* velocPercent function:                                                       *
* PURPOSE: Prompt user for percentage of max velocity to use for a shot        *
* IN: none                                                                     *
* OUT: Returns: int for velocity based off percentage                          *
int velocPercent(void)
	int percent, velocity;
	const int maxVeloc = 250;

		cout << "What percentage of the maximum velocity to you want "
			<< "to use? (1-100) ";
		cin >> percent;

		if (percent <= 0 || percent > 100)
			cout << "Please enter a value from 1 to 100." << endl;

	} while (percent <= 0 || percent > 100);

	velocity = (percent / 100) * maxVeloc;

	return velocity;
} //End velocPercent()

* hAngleShift function:                                                        *
* PURPOSE: Obtain direction & num of degrees to horizontally re-angle cannon   *
* IN: 2 int containers for degrees and direction                               *
* OUT: Reference params: degrees & direction                                   *
void hAngleShift(double &degrees, int &direction)
		cout << "Which direction do you want to shift?" << endl;
		cout << "(1) Left" << endl;
		cout << "(2) Right" << endl;
		cin >> direction;

		if (direction != 1 && direction != 2)
			cout << "Please enter a 1 or 2." << endl;
	} while (direction != 1 && direction != 2);

		cout << "How many degrees do you want to shift? (0>30) ";
		cin >> degrees;

		if (degrees <= 0 || degrees >= 30)
			cout << "Please enter a value between 0 and 30." << endl;
	} while (degrees <= 0 || degrees >= 30);
} //End hAngleShift()

* vAngleShift function:                                                        *
* PURPOSE: Obtain num of degrees to vertically re-angle cannon                 *
* IN: none                                                                     *
* OUT: Returns: double for num degrees change in cannon angle                  *
double vAngleShift(void)
	double shift;

		cout << "How many degrees do you want to shift? (-30>30) ";
		cin >> shift;

		if (shift <= -30 || shift >= 30)
			cout << "Please enter a value between -30 and 30." << endl;
	} while (shift <= -30 || shift >= 30);

	return shift;
} //End vAngleShift()

* monsterHunterTitle function:                                                 *
* PURPOSE: Display title & description by keeping main game a little cleaner   *
* IN: none                                                                     *
* OUT: none                                                                    *
void monsterHuntTitle(void)
	cout << "   X   X     XXX   X    X   XXXX  XXXXX  XXXXX  XXX  " << endl;
	cout << "  X X X X   X   X  XX   X  X        X    X      X  X " << endl;
	cout << " X   X   X  X   X  X X  X   XXX     X    XXX    XXX  " << endl;
	cout << " X       X  X   X  X  X X      X    X    X      X  X " << endl;
	cout << " X       X   XXX   X   XX  XXXX     X    XXXXX  X   X" << endl;
	cout << endl;
	cout << "       X   X  X   X  X    X  XXXXX  XXXXX  XXX  " << endl;
	cout << "       X   X  X   X  XX   X    X    X      X  X " << endl;
	cout << "       XXXXX  X   X  X X  X    X    XXX    XXX  " << endl;
	cout << "       X   X  X   X  X  X X    X    X      X  X " << endl;
	cout << "       X   X   XXX   X   XX    X    XXXXX  X   X" << endl << endl;
	cout << "         A text-based role-playing adventure!" << endl << endl;
} //End monsterHuntTitle()

* werewolf function:                                                           *
* PURPOSE: Drive werewolf encounter                                            *
* IN: 3 ints: number of each consumable item, kill count, double of player     *
*		height                                                                 *
* OUT: Returns: int for whether player died or lived through encounter,        *
*		Ref. Params: Number of each consumable item remaining, killCount       *
int werewolf(int &numStakes, int &numBullets, int &killCount, double playerHeight)
	int heartHeight, wolfLocationX, wolfLocationY, weaponChoice, wolfHeight;
	int loot;
	double horizAngle, vertAngle, velocity;
	int playerPosition = 0;
	int death = 0;
	int exitLoop = 0;
	double gunHeight, bulletDist, bulletHitX, bulletHitY, proximity;
	const int minHeartHeight = 2;
	const int maxHeartHeight = 7;
	const int minWolfDistance = 5;
	const int maxWolfDistance = 200;
	const float heartSize = .75f;

	randomXY(minWolfDistance, maxWolfDistance, minWolfDistance, 
		maxWolfDistance, wolfLocationX, wolfLocationY);
	heartHeight = randomNum(minHeartHeight, maxHeartHeight);
	wolfHeight = heartHeight + 1;
	gunHeight = playerHeight - 1;

	weaponChoice = weapons(numStakes, numBullets);

	if (weaponChoice == 2 && numBullets > 0)
			cout << "The werewolf is located at (" << wolfLocationX << ", "
				<< wolfLocationY << ")." << endl;

			cout << "He is about " << wolfHeight << " feet tall." << endl;

			cout << "You have " << numBullets << " bullets remaining."
				<< endl;

			cout << "Please enter the direction to face the gun "
				<< "(horizontal angle in degrees): ";
			horizAngle = obtainHAngle();

			cout << "Please enter the elevation of the gun in "
				<< "degrees: ";
			vertAngle = obtainVAngle();

			cout << "Please enter the velocity setting of the gun in MPH: ";
			velocity = obtainVelocity();
			bulletDist = distTravelCalc(vertAngle, velocity);
			destinationCalc(playerPosition, gunHeight, bulletDist, horizAngle,
				bulletHitX, bulletHitY);
			proximity = dist2PointCalc(bulletHitX, bulletHitY, wolfLocationX,
			if (proximity <= heartSize)
				cout << "You have shot the werewolf in the heart. He is dead. "
					<< endl << endl;

				loot = randomNum(2, 15);
				numStakes = numStakes + loot;
				cout << "You have found " << loot << " wooden stakes on the "
					<< "dead werewolf." << endl;
				cout << "Sorry, you missed the werewolf by a distance of "
					<< proximity << " feet." << endl << endl;

			numBullets = numBullets - 1;

			if (numBullets <= 0)
				cout << "You are out of silvered bullets and cannot fire any "
					<< "more shots." << endl;
				cout << "The werewolf is upon you within seconds. He rips your"
					<< " heart out and mauls your body." << endl << endl;
				death = 1; //The player died

		} while (exitLoop == 0);
		cout << "The weapon has no effect on the werewolf. He is upon you "
			<< "within seconds. He rips your heart out and mauls your body."
			<< endl << endl;
		death = 1; //The player died
	return death;
} //End werewolf()

* ghost function:                                                              *
* PURPOSE: Drive ghost encounter                                               *
* IN: 3 ints: number of each consumable item, kill count, double of player     *
*		height                                                                 *
* OUT: Returns: int for whether player died or lived through encounter,        *
*		Ref. Params: Number of each consumable item remaining, killCount       *
int ghost(int &numStakes, int &numBullets, int &killCount, double playerHeight)
	int ghostLocationX, ghostLocationY, weaponChoice, ghostHeight, loot;
	double horizAngle, vertAngle, velocity;
	int playerPosition = 0;
	int death = 0;
	int exitLoop = 0;
	double knifeHeight, knifeDist, knifeHitX, knifeHitY, proximity;
	const int minGhostHeight = 1;
	const int maxGhostHeight = 12;
	const int minGhostDistance = 5;
	const int maxGhostDistance = 200;

	randomXY(minGhostDistance, maxGhostDistance, minGhostDistance,
		maxGhostDistance, ghostLocationX, ghostLocationY);
	ghostHeight = randomNum(minGhostHeight, maxGhostHeight);
	knifeHeight = playerHeight - 1;

	weaponChoice = weapons(numStakes, numBullets);

	if (weaponChoice == 1)
			cout << "The ghost is located at (" << ghostLocationX << ", "
				<< ghostLocationY << ")." << endl;

			cout << "It is about " << ghostHeight << " feet tall." << endl;

			cout << "Please enter the direction you want to face "
				<< "(horizontal angle in degrees): ";
			horizAngle = obtainHAngle();

			cout << "Please enter the angle you want to throw the knife in "
				<< "degrees: ";
			vertAngle = obtainVAngle();

			cout << "Please enter the velocity to throw the knife in MPH: ";
			velocity = thrownVelocity();

			knifeDist = distTravelCalc(vertAngle, velocity);
			destinationCalc(playerPosition, knifeHeight, knifeDist, horizAngle,
				knifeHitX, knifeHitY);
			proximity = dist2PointCalc(knifeHitX, knifeHitY, ghostLocationX,

			if (proximity <= ghostHeight)
				cout << "You have thrown the magic knife. It sticks into the "
					<< "ghost as if the ghost is\nsolid. The ghost dissipates "
					<< "into a mist, it is dead. As your knife falls to the\n"
					<< "ground, it disappears and returns to its sheath."
					<< endl << endl;

				loot = randomNum(2, 15);
				numBullets = numBullets + loot;
				cout << "You have found " << loot << " silvered bullets "
					<< "embedded in the surrounding foliage." << endl;
				loot = randomNum(2, 15);
				numStakes = numStakes + loot;
				cout << "You have found " << loot << " wooden stakes on the "
					<< "the ground." << endl;
				cout << "Sorry, you missed the ghost by a distance of "
					<< proximity << " feet. As you see your magic\nknife hit "
					<< "the ground, it disappears and reappears in its "
					<< "sheath." << endl << endl;

		} while (exitLoop == 0);
		cout << "The weapon passes right through the spirit, having no "
			<< "effect, as if it isn't \nreally there. The ghost wisps up to "
			<< "you and rips your soul from your body." << endl << endl;
		death = 1; //The player died
	return death;
} //End ghost()

* vampire function:                                                            *
* PURPOSE: Drive vampire encounter                                             *
* IN: 3 ints: number of each consumable item, kill count, double of player     *
*		height                                                                 *
* OUT: Returns: int for whether player died or lived through encounter,        *
*		Ref. Params: Number of each consumable item remaining, killCount       *
int vampire(int &numStakes, int &numBullets, int &killCount, double playerHeight)
	int heartHeight, vampLocationX, vampLocationY, weaponChoice, vampHeight;
	int loot;
	double horizAngle, vertAngle, velocity;
	int playerPosition = 0;
	int death = 0;
	int exitLoop = 0;
	double stakeHeight, stakeDist, stakeHitX, stakeHitY, proximity;
	const int minHeartHeight = 4;
	const int maxHeartHeight = 6;
	const int minVampDistance = 5;
	const int maxVampDistance = 200;
	const float heartSize = .45f;

	randomXY(minVampDistance, maxVampDistance, minVampDistance,
		maxVampDistance, vampLocationX, vampLocationY);
	heartHeight = randomNum(minHeartHeight, maxHeartHeight);
	vampHeight = heartHeight + 1;
	stakeHeight = playerHeight - 1;

	weaponChoice = weapons(numStakes, numBullets);

	if (weaponChoice == 3 && numStakes > 0)
			cout << "The vampire is located at (" << vampLocationX << ", "
				<< vampLocationY << ")." << endl;

			cout << "He is about " << vampHeight << " feet tall." << endl;

			cout << "You have " << numStakes << " wooden stakes remaining."
				<< endl;

			cout << "Please enter the direction you want to face "
				<< "(horizontal angle in degrees): ";
			horizAngle = obtainHAngle();

			cout << "Please enter the angle you want to throw the stake in "
				<< "degrees: ";
			vertAngle = obtainVAngle();

			cout << "Please enter the velocity to throw the stake in MPH: ";
			velocity = thrownVelocity();

			stakeDist = distTravelCalc(vertAngle, velocity);
			destinationCalc(playerPosition, stakeHeight, stakeDist, horizAngle,
				stakeHitX, stakeHitY);
			proximity = dist2PointCalc(stakeHitX, stakeHitY, vampLocationX,

			if (proximity <= heartSize)
				cout << "You have thrown a stake into the vampire's heart. "
					<< "He bursts into a cloud of ash." << endl << endl;

				loot = randomNum(2, 15);
				numBullets = numBullets + loot;
				cout << "You have found " << loot << " silvered bullets on the"
					<< " ground where the vampire vanished." << endl;
				cout << "Sorry, you missed the vampire by a distance of "
					<< proximity << " feet." << endl << endl;

			numStakes = numStakes - 1;

			if (numStakes <= 0)
				cout << "You are out of wooden stakes and cannot throw any "
					<< "more." << endl;
				cout << "The vampire is behind you in the blink of an eye. He"
					<< " sinks his teeth into your neck and entirely drains "
					<< "your body of blood within seconds." << endl << endl;
				death = 1; //The player died

		} while (exitLoop == 0);
		cout << "The weapon has no effect on the vampire. He is behind you in "
			<< "the blink of an\neye. He sinks his teeth into your neck and "
			<< "entirely drains your body of\nblood within seconds."
			<< endl << endl;
		death = 1; //The player died
	return death;
} //End Vampire()

* zombie function:                                                             *
* PURPOSE: Drive zombie encounter                                              *
* IN: 3 ints: number of each consumable item, kill count, double of player     *
*		height                                                                 *
* OUT: Returns: int for whether player died or lived through encounter,        *
*		Ref. Params: Number of each consumable item remaining, killCount       *
int zombie(int &numStakes, int &numBullets, int &killCount, double
	int headHeight, zombieLocationX, zombieLocationY, weaponChoice;
	int zombieHeight, loot;
	double horizAngle, vertAngle, velocity;
	int playerPosition = 0;
	int death = 0;
	int exitLoop = 0;
	double gunHeight, bulletDist, bulletHitX, bulletHitY, proximity;
	const int minHeadHeight = 2;
	const int maxHeadHeight = 7;
	const int minZombieDistance = 5;
	const int maxZombieDistance = 200;
	const float headSize = 1.0f;

	randomXY(minZombieDistance, maxZombieDistance, minZombieDistance,
		maxZombieDistance, zombieLocationX, zombieLocationY);
	headHeight = randomNum(minHeadHeight, maxHeadHeight);
	zombieHeight = headHeight;
	gunHeight = playerHeight - 1;

	weaponChoice = weapons(numStakes, numBullets);

	if (weaponChoice == 2 && numBullets > 0)
			cout << "The zombie is located at (" << zombieLocationX << ", "
				<< zombieLocationY << ")." << endl;

			cout << "He is about " << zombieHeight << " feet tall." << endl;

			cout << "You have " << numBullets << " bullets remaining."
				<< endl;

			cout << "Please enter the direction to face the gun "
				<< "(horizontal angle in degrees): ";
			horizAngle = obtainHAngle();

			cout << "Please enter the elevation of the gun in "
				<< "degrees: ";
			vertAngle = obtainVAngle();

			cout << "Please enter the velocity setting of the gun in MPH: ";
			velocity = obtainVelocity();

			bulletDist = distTravelCalc(vertAngle, velocity);
			destinationCalc(playerPosition, gunHeight, bulletDist, horizAngle,
				bulletHitX, bulletHitY);
			proximity = dist2PointCalc(bulletHitX, bulletHitY, zombieLocationX,

			if (proximity <= headSize)
				cout << "You have shot the zombie in the head. He is dead. "
					<< endl << endl;

				loot = randomNum(2, 15);
				numBullets = numBullets + loot;
				cout << "You have found " << loot << " silvered bullets on the"
					<< " dead zombie." << endl;
				loot = randomNum(2, 15);
				numStakes = numStakes + loot;
				cout << "You have found " << loot << " wooden stakes on the "
					<< "dead zombie." << endl;
				cout << "Sorry, you missed the zombie's head by a distance of "
					<< proximity << " feet." << endl << endl;

			numBullets = numBullets - 1;

			if (numBullets <= 0)
				cout << "You are out of silvered bullets and cannot fire any "
					<< "more shots." << endl;
				cout << "The zombie gets close and bites you." << endl << endl;
				death = 1; //The player died

		} while (exitLoop == 0);
		cout << "The weapon allows the zombie to get too close. He is upon you"
			<< " and bites you." << endl << endl;
		death = 1; //The player died
	return death;
} //End zombie()

* log function:                                                                *
* PURPOSE: Drive falling tree encounter where the player can replenish wooden  *
*		stakes                                                                 *
* IN: int for number of stakes                                                 *
* OUT: Ref. Param: Number of stakes                                            *
void log(int &stakes)
	int loot;
	char pause;
	loot = randomNum(3, 45);

	cout << "The tree falls with a loud crash. You notice that several "
		<< "branches can be \nharvested and whittled down into stakes by "
		<< "using your knife. You make " << loot << " stakes." << endl;

	stakes = stakes + loot;
	cout << "You now have " << stakes << " stakes." << endl;
	cout << "Enter any character to continue ";
	cin >> pause;
} //End log()

* monsterHunterStory function:                                                 *
* PURPOSE: Drive main monster hunter game story                                *
* IN: none                                                                     *
* OUT: none                                                                    *
void monsterHuntStory(void)
	int stakeCount, bulletCount, numKills, playerDied;
	double playerHeight;
	stakeCount = 3;
	bulletCount = 25;
	numKills = 0;
	playerDied = 0;

	cout << "Before we begin, how tall are you in feet? ";
	cin >> playerHeight;

	cout << "You adventure out into the world with minimal supplies. You "
		<< "have " << stakeCount << " wooden \nstakes, a clockwork pistol "
		<< "with a variable velocity, " << bulletCount << " silvered "
		<< "bullets,\nand a magical knife. " << endl << endl;

	cout << "You begin wandering through the forest and come across a "
		<< "clearing. In the \nclearing you see something move. It notices "
		<< "you and begins charging. As it \ngets closer you can see what it "
		<< "is. It is ";
	playerDied = randomMonster(numKills, stakeCount, bulletCount, 

	while (playerDied == 0)
		cout << "You continue on your quest and come across something "
			<< "moving in the forest. It is ";
		playerDied = randomMonster(numKills, stakeCount, bulletCount, 
	cout << "You killed " << numKills << " monsters." << endl << endl;
} //End monsterHuntStory()

* randomMonster function:                                                      *
* PURPOSE: Randomly decide which monster user encounters                       *
* IN: 3 ints: number of each consumable item, kill count, double of player     *
*		height                                                                 *
* OUT: Returns: int for whether player died or lived through encounter,        *
*		Ref. Params: Number of each consumable item remaining, killCount       *
int randomMonster(int &killCount, int &numStakes, int &numBullets, 
	double playerHeight)
	int monsterType, death;

	if (killCount == 0)
		monsterType = rand() % 4;
		monsterType = rand() % 5;

	if (monsterType == 0)
		cout << "a WEREWOLF!" << endl << endl;
		death = werewolf(numStakes, numBullets, killCount, playerHeight);
	else if (monsterType == 1)
		cout << "a ZOMBIE!" << endl << endl;
		death = zombie(numStakes, numBullets, killCount, playerHeight);
	else if (monsterType == 2)
		cout << "a GHOST!" << endl << endl;
		death = ghost(numStakes, numBullets, killCount, playerHeight);
	else if (monsterType == 3)
		cout << "a VAMPIRE!" << endl << endl;
		death = vampire(numStakes, numBullets, killCount, playerHeight);
	else if (monsterType == 4)
		cout << "not a creature, but a FALLING TREE!" << endl << endl;
		death = 0;
	return death;
} //End randomMonster()

* weapons function:                                                            *
* PURPOSE: Prompt user to choose weapon to use in encounter                    *
* IN: 2 ints: number of each consumable item                                   *
* OUT: Returns: int for user's chosen option                                   *
int weapons(int &numStakes, int &numBullets)
	int weaponChoice;

		cout << "Which weapon will you use to defend yourself? " << endl;
		cout << "(1) Magic Knife" << endl;
		cout << "(2) Clockwork Gun [" << numBullets << " silvered bullets]"
			<< endl;
		cout << "(3) Wooden Stake [" << numStakes << " left]" << endl;
		cin >> weaponChoice;

		if (weaponChoice < 1 || weaponChoice > 3)
			cout << "You must enter an option from 1 to 3." << endl;
	} while (weaponChoice < 1 || weaponChoice > 3);

	return weaponChoice;
} //End weapons()

* thrownVelocity function:                                                     *
* PURPOSE: Prompts user for how hard to throw an object                        *
* IN: none                                                                     *
* OUT: Returns: double for throwing velocity                                   *
double thrownVelocity(void)
	double velocity;

		cin >> velocity;
		if (velocity <= 0)
			cout << "Velocity must be a positive number, please enter a "
				<< "positive number. ";
		else if (velocity > 90)
			cout << "You are not superhuman yet, please enter a velocity "
				<< "that is less than 90 MPH.";
	} while (velocity <= 0 || velocity > 90);

	return velocity;
} //End thrownVelocity()

* difficultyMenu function:                                                     *
* PURPOSE: Prompts user to choose difficulty level of game                     *
* IN: none                                                                     *
* OUT: Returns: int for chosen difficulty                                      *
* ADTNL NOTE: Also gives user option to quit game                              *
int difficultyMenu(void)
	int playerChoice;

		cout << "Please select a difficulty:" << endl;
		cout << "(1) Easy" << endl;
		cout << "(2) Medium" << endl;
		cout << "(3) Hard" << endl;
		cout << "(4) Exit Game" << endl;
		cin >> playerChoice;
		if (playerChoice < 1 || playerChoice > 4)
			cout << "That choice was not from 1 to 4. Please enter a choice "
				<< "from 1 to 4." << endl << endl;

	} while (playerChoice < 1 || playerChoice > 4);

	return playerChoice;
} //End difficultyMenu()

* gameOver function:                                                           *
* PURPOSE: Display game over screen by keeping main game a little cleaner      *
* IN: none                                                                     *
* OUT: none                                                                    *
void gameOver(void)
	char wait;

	cout << "Enter any letter to continue... ";
	cin >> wait;

	cout << endl << "You have died... " << endl << endl;

	cout << " XXXXXX    X      X   X    XXXXX" << endl;
	cout << " X        X X    X X X X   X    " << endl;
	cout << " X  XXX  XXXXX  X   X   X  XXX  " << endl;
	cout << " X    X  X   X  X       X  X    " << endl;
	cout << " XXXXXX  X   X  X       X  XXXXX" << endl;
	cout << endl;
	cout << "  XXX   X    X  XXXXX  XXX  " << endl;
	cout << " X   X  X    X  X      X  X " << endl;
	cout << " X   X  X    X  XXX    XXX  " << endl;
	cout << " X   X   X  X   X      X  X " << endl;
	cout << "  XXX     XX    XXXXX  X   X" << endl << endl;
} //End gameOver()